John Bailey's profile

Event Photography

For this assignment we were to cover a local event as if we were hired to do so. We were to photograph the event itself as well as attendees, detail shots, establishing shots, whatever you feel is necessary to tell the story of this event. We were to use the Life Magazine Formula when setting up our event shoot.
1) Introductory picture – a wide angle or aerial shot that establishes the scene.
2) Medium – a picture that focuses on one activity or group.
3) Close up – zeroes in on one element, like a person’s hands, or an intricate detail.
4) Interaction – people conversing or in action, doing something.
5) Signature – a picture that summarizes the situation with all the key story telling elements in one photo – often called the decisive moment.
6) Portrait – usually a dramatic, well-focused picture of the subject’s head so you can see it clearly, or the person in his or her “natural” setting.
7) Sequence – can be a how-to series of pictures, a before or after, or a series with a beginning, middle and end. Gives the photo essay a sense of action.
8) Clincher – a closing picture that feels like the end of the story.
"The Gathering"
This is a gathering of some of the volunteers prior to the days events.
Pioneer Day at O'Bannon State Park in Corydon, Indiana.
"Dunking Booth Setup"
This was a little boy coaxed by his older brother into standing under the water bucket at the tomahawk throw. (Their version of a dunking booth.)
There was live stock for the kids to look at and pet. This was one of two donkeys looking through the fence. 
Pioneer Day at O'Bannon State Park in Corydon, Indiana.
"Cross Cut Saw"
This Larry and his wife Stacy watching a demonstration of the cross cut saw.
Pioneer Day at O'Bannon State Park in Corydon, Indiana.
"Tomahawk Throw Event"
This is an overall view of the Tomahawk Throwing Exhibition at the Pioneer's Day Event. This was by far the most visited exhibition at the event. Kid's really loved it and it was very interactive.
Dale has been coming to the event for over 5 years. He is an experienced tomahawk thrower and is one of the main characters at the event. He also makes his own tomahawks.
"Dale with His Tomahawk"
Dale has been coming to the event for over 5 years. He is an experienced tomahawk thrower and is one of the main characters at the event. He also makes his own tomahawks.
"Tomahawk Throw (Start)"
Del has been coming to the event since its beginning. He is an experienced tomahawk thrower and is one of the main characters at the event. He also makes his own tomahawks.
"Tomahawk Throw (Mid-Throw)"
Del has been coming to the event since its beginning. He is an experienced tomahawk thrower and is one of the main characters at the event. He also makes his own tomahawks.
"Tomahawk Throw (End)"
Del has been coming to the event since its beginning. He is an experienced tomahawk thrower and is one of the main characters at the event. He also makes his own tomahawks.
"In the Block"
This is a log that has been cut and then placed on an easel made of 2 x 4's. This is the target for the tomahawk throwing exhibition. This is where they also nail a string across the log that is attached to the other end of a bucket filled with water. (This is their version of a pioneer's dunking booth. (Event favorite every year.)
"Gathering in the Barn"
Event Photography

Event Photography

Event Photography, Journalistic/Documentary Photography


Creative Fields